Sunday, April 11, 2021

Play Gta 5, Overwatch, Or Titanfall 2 With You


This gig allows you to play with a gamer gurl and brag to your friends. Or if you just want someone to talk and hang out with! I'm ok with every joke you could possibly make, so don't worry about our senses of humor clashing. I'm not super good at these games, but I do have some experience. I play on PS4, not PC. I hope you'll give this gig a shot, I can't wait to have fun with all of you guys. I literally have no limits so do and say whatever you want with me around =) Hope to meet you soon!



UwU Maki


Hoppin Galaxies


I'm always flying through space xD




She's skilled, easy going and down to play anytime. Definitely worth it.

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