Monday, August 17, 2020

Coach You On Rocket League


Hey, Mitchell, and I am a  Rocket League coach, willing to help YOU improve at Rocket League.

My goal is to teach and coach different players with different skill levels, and help them improve by giving them useful information on how to improve based on their skill level and get an edge over others players at their skill level.

In the coaching session I will help you become a more solid Rocket League player,

I will watch one of your replays with you and analyze them in-depth, while sharing my players's advices regarding how to get out of tough situations in-game and even avoid them in the first place.

After the replay analyzing and advice giving we will load up to a private match and I will help you improve positioning and ask you challenging questions to help you improve and maintain good positioning in-game.

I will give you tips on how to become a better player overall, how to be more consistent, how to be more aware in-game and much more.

Have a great and successful Coaching session. 


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Hey, Mitchell, and I am a  Rocket League coach, willing to help YOU improve at Rocket League.

My goal is to teach and coach different players with different skill levels, and help them improve by giving them useful information on how to improve based on their skill level and get an edge over others players at their skill level.

In the coaching session I will help you become a more solid Rocket League player,

I will watch one of your replays with you and analyze them in-depth, while sharing my players's advices regarding how to get out of tough situations in-game and even avoid them in the first place.

After the replay analyzing and advice giving we will load up to a private match and I will help you improve positioning and ask you challenging questions to help you improve and maintain good positioning in-game.

I will give you tips on how to become a better player overall, how to be more consistent, how to be more aware in-game and much more.

Have a great and successful Coaching session. 


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