Thursday, August 27, 2020

Coach You To Get Better At Valorant, Fortnite Or Rainbow 6 Siege


I will improve areas you want to get better at depending what package you bought.For eg.Fortnite and you want to get better at building.I would give you tips and tricks and help adjust your key binds to get better and more advanced.In Rainbow 6 Siege i would help you with area you want help on ( depending on the package you bought) and the same goes with valorant.I am experienced in all three games and i have useful tips for everyone even if your a long time player or someone who just started with the game and needs guidance to become the best they can be.All my packages are live with me in game.Any questions you can message me and i am on pc so in rainbow 6 you have to either be on pc or if your console then i can screen share my game and you can ask questions and i will show you tips and tricks to outplay your opponents 


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