Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Provide Professional Coaching For Rainbow Six Siege


Hi all,

I have been playing since Year 1 Season 1 and have consistently been diamond for over 3 years on both Xbox and PC.

Culmitavely I have 4000+ hours on R6 and have a wealth of knowledge of the game for many different styles of gameplay whether solo, duo or 5 stacking. I am currently a Flex/Entry for Hyve Central and have played/coached for various teams so can offer advice on finding/setting up/managing your own.

I offer coaching with a set structure prepared which will help you for every scenario and reinforce key practices. If you have anything in particular you would like to go over please contact me beforehand as I can alter the coaching to your needs.

ALL of my packages come with my R6 guide (updated even after purchase)

My goal is always to ensure you have a great customer experience and improve from even the shortest of sessions.

Please get in touch before ordering to ensure we are on the same page!

iffy :)

Additional points:

- If you are PS4/Xbox I do offer coaching. Please see the below FAQ or feel free to send me a message for more info.

- If having a VOD review please have a link to your footage ready to send so I can make notes before our session.



It was very helpful, he definately pointed out the flaws of my gameplay and how to improve on them as well as how to also how to push myself to play not as myself but together even if I'm solo, definately worth it and was clear with what he said, he also was very responsive and also started before since he had free time, I'm also very impressed with the quality of work and would suggest him.


Generally, he was very well spoken and knowledgeable, and he helped me out where I needed. As well as being understanding of my crappy wifi situation.


Great coach


I would totally recommend explained everything with full detail


Very Professional. Know's what he's doing, and he taught me many things to improve on and if I got the chance to talk with him again I would. Definitely recommend if you want to improve mechanically, map knowledge, and more. :)

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