Monday, January 4, 2021

Help You Get To Your Dream League Of Legends Rank


I'm a good coach, as many of people I coached confirmed that.

 I reached Masters this season on EUW and I main ADC role.

 I was rank best Samira EUW, 2nd Jinx EUW, 2nd Tristana EUW and rank 14 on Jhin :D

 I will look at your, analyze your games and tell you what you need to improve.

 Then I will show you some macro map plays in a costum games, teach you some tricks and give you some tips.

 I am very chill, willing to help you.

Add me on Discord : Mershak#6076 if you have any questions.

While coaching we can use Discord or in-game voice chat.

I hope you will enjoy this experience and see you on the rift!



Clear communication, quick response. Really helpfull!

: : : :

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